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Welcome to Dottke Project-Based Learning High School

At Dottke, we move beyond rigorous content delivery by expecting our students to then apply what they’ve learned in meaningful, authentic ways that have a positive impact on themselves, their school, their community or the world. Dottke students learn by doing!
For more information or to apply, go to!

Principal Welcome

Welcome to the James E. Dottke Project-Based Learning High School! At Dottke, we move beyond rigorous content delivery by expecting our students to then apply what they’ve learned in meaningful, authentic ways that have a positive impact on themselves, their school, their community or the world.  Dottke students learn by doing. Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns.



Dottke Blog

At Dottke, we believe we are never done creating educational experiences for our students, because our students are always changing and growing. Stay up to date with what is happening at Dottke by checking out our blog. 

Project-Based Learning

How we do work that matters!

Student Enrollment

Facility Planning

Happening Now

    What's Happening

    What Makes Us Special


    Dottke Family


    Deeper Learning scholars enrolled.


    Mindfulness jars created and donated to other schools.


    Lives saved through Dottke blood drives.